Feb 19, 2006 04:01
A shitty weekend followed by another shitty weekend.
Soon the valium + alcohol + another round just now (valium, tylenol pm, and prozac) will catch up with me and I'll be dozing off into a peaceful sleep, hopefully with no dreams.
The dreams I had the weekend of the food poisoning were disturbing, to say the least. The fucked with my head, and were just generally very vivid.
There weren't people I knew in them... in fact, I was hardly me. And I woke up two nights in a row feeling disillusioned and lonely.
This weekend I got to yell. I finally yelled. For real, it was real anger. And I was trying my hardest not to cry while I yelled. Now him and her, they don't give a rats ass about my feelings, but I was angry nonetheless. Anyway. That really pissed me off. But at least I'm finally over the last 'one.'
I had a dream about him on my bday, oddly, and it ended all my feelings for him. It was nice to wake up knowing that any painful feelings you might have for a person are just completely gone. It only took over two years! On to this one... one year down... how many to go?
Anyway, at least my shitty night got me out. David and I went and got a few drinks, and it was very nice. I'm glad I called David and glad he hung out with me! I kept saying I'd call... well, anyone who's friends with me knows how I am. I'm pretty flakey.
Anyhow, I'm still feeling depressed, but I think the stuff is kicking in, so I'm outie for the night! <3