New Convention Added: Game Unicon

Aug 13, 2009 20:17

We are pleased to announce we have added a new convention to our list. We will be setting up at Game Unicon, a video game convention in Marlborogh Mass on August 21st to the 23rd.

You can find out more about Game Unicon at

Is there something you'd like to pick up at Game Unicon from our booth? Place an order to be brought to Game Unicon and save on shipping! We'll also give you the best price on your items (some items have different prices at conventions than they do on the web site) and you'll also receive a free gift!

Also, anyone who spends $50 or more at our booth (special orders included) receives a coupon good for $5.00 off on their next purchase of $50 through the web site or at our booth at Another Anime Convention.

You can e-mail us at:    bkcomcs @    to place an order or ask about items that you would be interested in. We hope to see you at Game Unicon!

game unicon, convention

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