Apr 10, 2006 00:08
Tman4891: what up nigga
Knight9928: ahh my old friend
Knight9928: what say you
Tman4891: yes it is I SIR TOSTO the III
Tman4891: i have come from far,
Tman4891: crossed a land so vast my chest hair has turned gray
Tman4891: a land filled with many adventures
Knight9928: lmao
Tman4891: creatures beyond your wildest dreams
Tman4891: stories never told before
Tman4891: of heros and legends
Tman4891: dragons and beasts
Tman4891: men and maidens
Tman4891: of kings
Knight9928: what news have u of this wonderous new land
Tman4891: songs were song and the drink was plentiful
Tman4891: tree's so big you cant see the top
Tman4891: rivers so long th ey go to the end of the earth
Tman4891: mountains so wide one must scale them to get to the other side
Tman4891: beasts to ferocious to even mention
Knight9928: and what of the legendary dragon beast, grendal? have u encountered this monster as well
Tman4891: and women so beautiful, they will kill you with their kiss
Tman4891: grrendal fell last spring
Tman4891: from disentary
Knight9928: lmao
Tman4891: he will be remembered as the great, grande, king like grendal of the foothills
Tman4891: grendal the foothill dragon of yore
Tman4891: wings the size of castles and scales as hard as steel
Tman4891: i rode grendal day and night, we grewe close in the winter months as we passed through the vally of jijunum
Knight9928: good, for i have word from the king of Milsanaia, they require 2 dragon slayers, slayers with unsurpassed skill with the blade and with the ancient magic arts
Tman4891: i know of such men
Tman4891: Sir Mikey of Rotterdom
Tman4891: and
Knight9928: i told the king that tostos of ivalice, and mikaus of zernum would take up his call
Tman4891: yes they shall
Tman4891: they are the bravest dragon slayers of all the lands
Tman4891: i once saws them kill a 50ft dragon wearing nothing but their kilts, no sword, no magic, with their bare hands
Tman4891: one hand on the dragon and the other clenched on a stein filled with dragfon ale
Knight9928: for there are spoken of in legend and song
Knight9928: with there trusty squire and horse cleaner, adamus the small, no foe can stand against them
Tman4891: without the help of adamus their horses would grow dirty and stink
Tman4891: he is truely a formiddable apponent in the horse cleaning tournaments held at the court of jesters this octoberous
Tman4891: washed one down in 3 minutes i heard
Knight9928: for he will fetch our ale as we slay beasts and entertain the women of all lands that we venture
Tman4891: and shall handle our finances as we gain gold and silver for our valiant dragons slaying
Knight9928: riches and glory await us my friend, in this life and the next
Knight9928: lmao that is awesome
Tman4891: should post that shit on myspace
Tman4891: or facebook
Tman4891: lol
Tman4891: i gotta jet man
Knight9928: lol its going in livejournal
Knight9928: alright man
Tman4891: good dedal
Tman4891: deal
Tman4891: i must rest my aching body after a long day of dragon slay ing
Knight9928: lol
Tman4891: bitches come
Knight9928: U SON OF A BITCH
Tman4891: later mike
Knight9928: later man
Tman4891: live free
Tman4891: live free
Knight9928: DIE WELL
Tman4891 signed off at 12:08:50 AM