So, PBS is doing this special on Sinatra, showing a bunch of his old performances. There was this fantastic shot of an older Sinatra singing a ballad on a set made to look like a bar. The shot is looking down on him from close to a ceiling fan with lights (the lights and fan are out of focus). And here's Sinatra, below at the bar, standing with a cigarette in his hand next to a glass of beer and a plate of sandwiches on the bar.
Something about him singing this romantic song next to a plate of sandwiches is utterly ridiculous.
Kevin Smith
Your film will be 45% romantic, 46% comedy, 35% complex plot, and a $ 27 million budget.Kevin will take your slacker life and turn it into the cult classic it deserves to be --- like Mallrats (just kidding). If you can handle the menacing presence of Jay and Silent Bob all throughout your film, then Kevin is willing to oblige. Basically, he can take the lives of people who don't have much of a life and make it entertaining, so you're in good hands.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 15% on action-romance
You scored higher than 88% on humor
You scored higher than 39% on complexity
You scored higher than 24% on budget
The Director Who Films Your Life Test written by
bingomosquito on
Ok CupidI mean...should I have expected anything different?
OK, so I saw
Broken Flowers for the first time this weekend. Fantastic. Simply fantastic. Most satisfying ending to a film since Lost in Translation.
Brooks and I agree, though, that Bill Murray needs to break this type, though, since it's a very similar character to the last two he's played (especially since there was the whole plot involving the potential long-lost son in Life Aquatic as well, but handled very differently).
In line for the movie, Brooks was two people ahead of me. The guy at the ticket window looked at his money and said, "Don't worry about it. Dardanelles get in free." Brooks told me this and I got excited. So when I said what movie I was going to see, the guy looks at me and goes, "Six seventy-five." You know
the bass player sketch from Kids in the Hall? It's completely accurate.
Finished moving out yesterday. Highlight of the week: Kulik realizing that the reason why putting the fan in the window by his bed didn't cool the room down because there's a storm window on the other side of the screen. The air had nowhere to go. We couldn't laugh enough when we figured that out.
I'm going on a fast food detox starting now (since the past two weeks have been my own personal Super Size Me), and at some point next week I'm going to take a week off of using the internet. Trying to break out of old patterns and get myself out of bad habits.
I have much unpacking to do, so I'll get to that.