I don't know how many of you have seen this before, but if you've ever wondered what death row inmates were hankerin' for, you should check out this site:
I got the link from
this, which is potentially more disturbing than the site it pointed me to. Seriously,
food trays with death row inmates' mug shots on them. Bizarre.
On a completely different note, the trailer for
Everything Is Illuminated is up.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but this is my favorite novel, and I want to see it done right...which might be impossible. I told Anna it kind of looks like Wes Anderson directing Big Fish.
If you own Super Smash Bros. Melee,
you might want to look at this article. Apparently, there's all kinds of crazy shit inside the game that people unlocked with a debug menu. I'm not sure how they did it, but if I could make it happen, it'd be enough to get me to dust off my copy of the game.
If Christopher Walken were really running for president in 2008,
like this site suggests, you know that you'd all vote for him.
Unless he was running against Jon Stewart.