Dec 15, 2005 20:17
Well we spent almost the entire evening at the hospital last night. I'm driving home from work, Meg had called and wanted to know what was for dinner...had to stop and get gas...get a phone call, Meg frantic..Isabella at the ER at St Francis. She had fallen out of the car (still in her car seat) and tumbled, taken by ambulance, stayed overnight...mild concussion. Sharon says the car seat was buckled in and some boxes must have unbuckled the vehicle seat belt and Isabella opened the door. Hmmmm. While we were there we walked over to see Clayton, he's looking better than last week. I'm glad for that, I hope he makes it through the holidays, for Kyle and Todd and Barbara. Death around the holidays sucks big time. Had Street Outreach tonight, I was the only one for about 45 minutes, made Taco Soup. It's really yummy!