1. I am a total sucker for anything new, sleek, sexy and electronic, to the point where I have to move my money to places more inaccessible in order to protect myself from myself.
2. I have no problem putting in punishing hours or grueling effort to get something done, if it's a cause I deem worthy. Sometimes the challenge itself is the worthy cause.
3. I'm currently pursuing a program I picked from a list, because it sounded interesting and I needed to choose something from Carleton.
4. I am happy with what I'm studying.
5. I often seek out what I think I can't get, just to challenge myself.
6. I prefer to think rationally, logically and methodically.
7. I like to draw but lack of practice leaves me unsatisified with the results.
8. I am apparently eligible to get citizenship in Ireland (south), as well as in the UK and Canada.
9. I derive great enjoyment from "Cisco" style jokes, which includes anything math or programming related.
10. I get more annoyed than I should when the media reports on something gaming related, because it's invariably inaccurate.
11. I also get disturbed at the same time, because if #10 is true for something trivial like video games, what else is misleading and inaccurate?
12. I find it hard to turn down a request for help, and harder still to make one.
13. I sometimes wonder if a Kwality education is good enough.
14. I joke about a lot of things, often excessively, but I'm not sure where that comes from.
15. I doubted beer could be an acquired taste. I doubted coffee too.
16. I like math.
17. I don't see why chivalry should be dead or dying. Slapping should be though. Use your words, they say what you really mean and sting longer.
18. I have never been more interested in hockey.
19. I am determined to learn how to skate properly this year.
20. I try to catch myself wishing on things I can change myself so I can instead think about how to actually accomplish something. This line used to be a wish.
21. I have to look up the lj-cut tag everytime I use it.
22. I can finish a game of Windows Solitaire in under a minute.
23. I'm fluent in three languages, even if two of them include Java and C++.
24. One in about every five people on campus has a student card made by me, maybe more.
25. I have a fake tooth.
26. I sometimes wonder about stats on everyday things. Where do I rank in the number of muffins eaten or distance walked among Ottawans?
27. I stand so that others may sit.
28. I google and 411 wrong numbers to figure out who the hell is calling my cellphone from Montana.
29. I rotate my saves, because anything else is just uncivilised.
30. I'd rather derive than memorize.
31. I sometimes think of people I knew when I was younger, and wonder if they ever do the same.
32. I hug my cats.
33. I've never worked in retail, although I've toiled in food services, physical labour, teaching assistance and office work.
34. I like candy corn.
35. I once had someone deposit $34,000 into my bank account by mistake.
36. I can unlock a car with a coat hanger, and have had to so on multiple occasions.
37. I miss my uncle's enthusiastic conversations about science and science fiction.
38. I respond to math challenges, regardless of my own work/study priorities.
39. I still remember the disgustingly sweet drinks we used to make from Coke and penny candy at Becker's. And eating Noname Jell-o from Loeb at lunch because it was $0.37.
40. I miss band, and playing music in general.
41. I love snowboarding, even though it doesn't love me back. Yet.
42. I intended to stop at 42.