a story about a bear

Sep 08, 2014 20:30

I'm not sure if I want to say that I wish you understood how lucky you are or that I wish you understood how much I enabled you to do whatever you wanted, because if I had your lifestyle today my mother would kick me out of the cave a long time ago. Nothing breaks my heart more than someone being more nonchalant about their potential, especially when someone wants to see your prosper more than you do. The worst part is that others see what you could be, nobody wants to see you fail. Why can't you get that through your thick fur? I'm not one to frown on those who are down, but how long does this charade have to last until we can't pity you no more? I've been your secret punching bag for years while people spoke poorly about you but it drove me to this to throw in the towel, because you know how to flips things around into a negative when they don't need to be. You can't be aware of your weaknesses and not act upon it, especially for all these years that's just used for living in your own shame. I'm saying this because I'm sick of watching you become worse then you already are, everytime I see you things just go downhill and you bring others down with you like the cancerous crab mentality that you're born with.

Look, I care about the bear. I really do, but if you were in my shoes what would you do? My heart breaks when I'm with him and when I'm without him. I never met a bear that was too prideful to hunt for his own fish, or a panda that was too good for bamboo. Do you know what it's like having a bear for a friend? Otherwise wish they had a relationship like ours, but that's not before the stereotypes kick in saying that you hibernate all day like it's winter in the summer and that you don't mingle with the other bears. You can't be smarter then the average bear just by living in a cave, and you can't be negative about the world that you're neglecting when you still believe that a picnic basket can just stroll into your cave. Other people have lost hope in you, and it took me this long to want to follow in their path. I tried to help you in your troubled life three times (willingly without repercussion) and got growled at all three times because you're too prideful to be helped. I wish I could walk away and let you suffer in your own demise, but that would me angry and bitter just like you. I wish you the best of luck, I'm done trying. Hunt your own fish, getting stung isn't worth seeing a smile on your face for something you didn't work for.

1. A previous entry was written about the same bloodline entitled "a story about salt & water" = http://bkaii.livejournal.com/129978.html
2. Originally to be titled "Gold Panda", but it was dropped to not be confused with the electro artist with the same name.


hate-love, social conflict

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