Feb 15, 2007 21:11
As many of you may know, I've been having some serious problems with chronic insomnia lately. Now, having difficulty sleeping has been a problem throughout my life, or at least so far back as when my family first moved to Texas.
Recently, as in the last 3 or 4 weeks, it's been horrendous. I'll go to bed at 2am, giving myself the possibility of getting 10 hours of sleep (since I get up for work at 12:35pm) yet I will literally see the hours go by without even nodding off once.
The sun rises by this point and I literally WEEP in frustration for not being able to fall asleep. I've purchased Sominex, I've purchased Tylenol's sleep aid, I've even tried more organic methods like taking a hot bath before bed, putting lavender oil on my pillow or drinking something like hot tea as I winde down an hour before turning in. None of these things have helped me in the slightest. I've had a migrane now since Monday night and it's only JUST started to go away now.
Last night, however, has to have been the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. I got out of bed at around 6:15am because I realized I'd forgotten to take my contacts out (lapses in short-term memory have become a recent problem too) and as I got to the bathroom, which is maybe 7 feet away from the edge of my bed, I felt nausiated. Next thing I know, my head is spinning and I fall to the floor on my knees. I nearly fell unconscious THREE times before I managed to get up long enough to take out my contacts and get back into bed where I couldn't fall anymore. I was scared enough for my life at that point, so much so that I clung at the countertops and the door trying not to let myself fall any farther than I had. I was no where near my phone and there's no one else in the house, plus I had the following day off from work, so no one, NO ONE would have known I was in trouble.
I've gone to a medical clinic about this too and they turned me away because they don't treat illnesses like insomnia, though they couldn't bother mentioning this till after I'd gone there twice already and had filled out their info forms. I don't know how much longer I can take this...