Man, I need a new pic...

Oct 23, 2007 12:02

When I'm happy, or at least some close second, I like my "Pickman's Grave Icon."

On a day like today, it totally sends the wrong message. So reminder to self: get an "alt" userpic that is Over the top silly happy, for the times Caleb Pickman is just too damn morbid.

I'm gonna try to get back into this habit. Alot for the sake of 4-5 very cool people who tell me to call. But I don't want to call and have nothing the least bit to say that isn't just personal whining.

So, I'll put the generic whining here. That way you friends I'm ashamed to call know I'm not ignoring you.

I dream again, vividly. This is very strange - Over the past 3 years i've had no more than 2 or 3 memorable dreams, until this past week. Now I dream all the time. Not restful at all.

The one from the past 3 days is pretty obvious, no doctorates needed:

I'm in my house, smoke thick enough to make sure i cant see outside the room i'm in. The alarm is blaring. The cats are scurrying for cover in places I can't let them get to. Because, I won't be able to save them. I'm breaking Windows, and trying to prioritize what few things can be saved before the flames take over. Cats/the briefcase with the vital records - R's PC with all the photos... I make slightly different choices each time, i start in different rooms, the smoke chokes me sometimes, but not others. Sometimes R is outside the window to help me rescue cats & stuff, but not others.

But theme is pretty consistent. Thats just how it is.
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