Apr 25, 2007 12:13
omg im gettin soo0o0ooo0o sick of Sky..
i aint herd from her in lyke a week er 2..
Wifey wife said to get ova her.. so dats wut i been tryin ta du.. thinkin bout all tha bad shyt she been puttin me threw.
my Twiin introduced me ta her bestfriend L Boogie. i frist met her on sunday [at tha gay park] but i figuered she was taken.. but monday nite i asked my twiin wut was tha deal n she said L boogie said i was a cutie. me n L boogie was texin all nite up until 230-3. lol. den i went ta sleep n den got up fa work.. n we was texin all day wen i was at work. She b callin me lil mama.. its too cute i aint eva been called dat b4.
tyme for a background check ahaha..
Nick Name: L Boogie
Real Name: Lauren
Age: 22
Height: 5'5
Sign: Capricorn
Status: Single n gettin ova her ex [juss lyke me]
Car: yessir.. so i wont b drivin all tha tyme
City: taylor... which is lyke 20mins from me.. o0o so0o close
"Label": Soft Stud..
o0o weee she gotta femme face.. omg she is so0o pretty o0o weeeeeeeee. We chilled [got blowed] yesterdai. She b askin me.. "how was ur dai?" "how u duin?" i mean its lil things lyke dat dat matta so0o0o much. awwz. n i gotta hug g-bye.. o0o geees... juss tha wai she was holdin me n she was all rubbin mah baq n squeein me.. i aint wanna let go.. lol.. n den i snuck in a couple kisses lol.. [she said normally she dunt kiss on tha first date]
i tawked ta her this mornin.. n she was lyke goodmornin hows ur day so far?? awwz lol gawsh i loves it too much..
but ehh tha bad thing is.. Sky texed me afta i left n she was lyke..
sky: we need to talk.. i have to dai of 2morrow..
Me: so do i
Sky: if ur not busy
Me: no im not busy. this is person rii? so wen n where me meetin?
Sky: im comin over.
Me: wen?
Sky: 7 maybe 8
Me: u cumin alone rii?
SKy: yes.
Me; okie.
Sky: yup
so0oo i guess she feels me movin along.. cuz i dunt chase her lyke i use to.. lyke 2-3 months ago.. i wuda been callin leavin messages n tex's nall dat bullshyt. but not ne more.
Daddy was lyke fuq her i can find better.. look daddy i have. awwwwwwwwwwz
Wifey wife sais she not healthy for me lol
Killa KeKe sais she will cut a bissh lol
My best sai.. "bissh u betta get it" <