Oct 15, 2004 20:02
I've been changing places about once a year for about 6 years now. In my life, I've lived in a total of ...(counting)...8 houses/apartments. The longest I've lived in one house is 10 years. Now, once again, I have to move, this time to the other side of the city and I have no idea how long I want to stay at this place. It's nice, it's cheap, it's close to my boyfriend and relatively close to my school, and within walking distance of Sobeys (a 24 hour grocery store) so hopefully I will enjoy living there. I just don't like the fact that it's practically located in a suburb of a suburb.
The one thing that I hate about relocating is PACKING. With each place I've lived in, I've accumulated more and more stuff and I don't have a fucking clue where to put it all. I have to sort through all my stuff and decide what I want to keep and I have pack rat-like tendencies so I usually want to keep everything. I'm going to have to get rid of tons of stuff this time and my roommate and I are going to start moving stuff over tomorrow. Kyle is going to be helping us. What a nice boyfriend I have. So here I sit procrastinating my ass off. I also have a crapload of homework to do this weekend. Will I do it? Not likely.
My dad is also moving to the same area that I'm moving to this month. I could just move in with him and bring all my crap over there but he'd make me pay rent and he'll probably charge me more than I'll be paying at this new place: $200 plus bills split 3 ways. A sweet deal indeedy.
I don't want to pack. I don't want to pack. I don't want to pack.