Jul 08, 2012 01:38
I worked this Saturday, then less than an hour after finishing work I felt a familiar and unwelcome pang in the lower right part of my back. I popped a couple of painkillers, but the kidney stone forced me to call the ambulance. After some nice morphine I felt a lot better, being looked to at the emergency ward, but when it had worn off, I had 2-3 more attacks. The lab report declared that there was no kidney infection or other complication, so I was released and got home for a very late dinner. It is six years since my first kidney stone, and I've felt like a ticking bomb since then. A workmate of mine has given birth to two children, as well as having passed a kidney stone, and she told me that the pain is quite comparable. Hell, now I wonder when next attack will come - in a couple of days or a few years into the future?