"Where have you been young man?"

Jun 12, 2014 23:25

FA and LJ have been badly neglected by me for awhile now. Sorry.

Here's some quick hits about what's up:

1) Riley (my remaining Australian Cattle Dog) died early last month. It was sort of a slow, gradual descent of his health. I do know we picked the right time to help him pass on, but I'm still haunted by the stress he went through on his final day. Still miss him very much.

2) Attended Califur - rented a car and drove this time. Fun weekend getaway and a chance to catch up with good friends, although I didn't actually do much in the way of con participation. Let's just call it "PoolCon". :)

3) Will be attending Anthrocon in...Holy Shit! IT'S IN A FEW WEEKS!! AAAAHHH!!! Quick hit trip Friday through Sunday of the holiday weekend, but no need to use any vacation!

4) Major vacation has been finalized. In August, Tina and I will be going to Germany. Although the trip will coincide with Eurofurence I'm thinking I'll probably only be around and about the con mainly in the evenings. I'm really focusing on other things this time and I don't want to be bogged down to a con schedule. Plus, it'll be my first visit to Germany, so I'll be itching to see plenty of sights. I do intend to see some good friends while at the con, many for the first time in person -- I'll make the time for that! The trip will also lead us to Denmark for the last 2-3 days before we return home.

That's it for now. I'll try to get back soon. :)
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