And I don't like it at all. The lyrics sound like she literally sat down and was like this songs going to be about crystals and this ones going to be about tectonic plates. Its like shes using a bunch of metaphors that don't mean anything. I would be more forgiving but even the production sounds like crap, and I hate how there isn't much song
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I'm SO BUMMED too, because Bjork is hands-down my favorite artist and has been for 16 years.
But... lyrically something is lacking these days.
I remember back in the Medulla doc, she was saying that the theme and sound came first and the lyrics were filled in almost as an afterthought or something... that the lyrics had the least time spent on them. Which kind of worked for Medulla because it was so tribal and only about the group and the sound they make together... but now it seems like that's HOW SHE WORKS all the time or something? I would like to see a shift back to giving lyrics more thought...
That said, pretty much the only song on Volta I like is "Wanderlust."
And now with Biophilia, it's like she's abandoned the melody and the beauty in the music and gone for THEME THEME THEME. I get that this song is about crystals, but can we make it... well, more of a SONG? Can it flow and move and have a beat? The songs I've heard so far sound like she's sitting in a children's music class, banging around on xylophones and improvising songs about rocks. It just doesn't stand up to such gorgeous works like "J'oga" or "Isobel".... it's almost like the new stuff is hardly even music at this point.
If she wanted to do a science project or an iPad revolution, that's awesome! Just make some songs too plz
I've always felt she was this eccentric, genius, bizarre little music-mind who was striving to make her songs work for the masses... and the result is something that nearly anyone can love: beats, swooping melodies and strings, passionate vocals. Her songs were still genius and different but they were sort of translated or given a sort of lovely sweet-coating that brought people to love her music... Not that it ever became MAINSTREAM, but it just had more appeal. People could have fun with this really sort of high-brow compositions...
I don't know maybe that doesn't make sense. But it seems like now she's totally given up on making her music have that kind of appeal... she's now content to let it be sort of specialized, super-avant-garde experiment that now it's almost not even music anymore?
Maybe the full proper finished version of the album will yield at least one good song.
I'm hoping for at least one new good song too. *crossing fingers*
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