(no subject)

May 06, 2004 10:23

So I'm back in Sackville, even though I still find myself at the MacPherson residence here in Amherst alot. This travelling back and fourth thing to work sucks already. I really have to find a job in Sackville beyond the small jobs here and there. Just have a few things to move out of Grandma's house and then I'll have everything moved over. We're back on good terms again, unlike with someone else, although that will get resolved eventually somehow or another. I love my apartment. It's so beautiful and Sackville is such a nice place to just chill out and relax in especially in the summer. This year is going to be stresful at school. There's soo much work to do. Plus, I have to figure out what I'm doing after this year cause depending on my marks there's alot of different directions I could go. Right now I'm thinking maybe NSCC for a year then McGill in Quebec for my Masters ands PH.D but my french isnt that good these days, not that I can't survive without it, but I should still probably take a refresher or something at some point if I'm going to be living in Quebec. Anyhow, there's soo much more I could say but I'll leave it for another day. Hope everyone is having a great day.
Ben :)
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