Winners (Challenge 132) + New layout and tags

Jun 17, 2010 22:06

Hey everyone! I'm sorry once again for the enormous delay that has become much too fashionable in this community. I'll make sure to change that from now on. Speaking of changes, though, I have changed the layout of our community to something much prettier and comfier, IMO. You guys like? Also, I established tags for the last 30(-ish) challenges and hope you guys find them useful.

Enough about the community in general. I've tallied the votes for the last challenge and you can see the winners under the cut. Sorry for the lateness, once again. The new challenge will be posted on Sunday so that we don't change the schedule from before :)

First place goes to saphire_dreamer

Second place goes to saphire_dreamer

Third place goes to littleangel1987

Mod's choice goes to ehsdancer22

The banner maker for this challenge is lauralovesnaley.

ETA: And banner-makers? We have quite a lot challenges without banners. Please make sure you go back and make the later ones, at least. If you don't have the time, let me know and I'll help. Also, let me know if you don't want to be a banner-maker anymore and I'll remove you from the list.

!mods, challenge 132, !winners

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