Okaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's finally TODAY!!!! Comic Con!!!!! I'm so happy!!!! Happy! Happy!!!! Got a LOOOOOOOOOT of coffee here, so today - computer is my best friend!!!!
Twitter is already bringing good news:
SuperWiki Vid interview of Misha at Comic Con (no spoilers)
Click to view
I'm screaming of happiness seeing Misha :) I'll probably pass out when J2 shows up! lol I'm not even talking about Merlin :))))
God!!!! Can't believe it!!!!!
Okay, still have some work to do before that. I had a nightmare today! I saw our Board of Management meeting in my dream!!! Stupid work doesn't leave me alone even in my sleep :((( Fuck it! Great day today !!!!!!
BEING HAPPY IS SOOOOOOO GREAAAAAT :))))))))))) Happy Sunday, Sweethearts!!!!!