Day Four - I feel like I have a cold

Apr 10, 2008 11:28

I should probably wrap some numbers around this. Maybe a photo or two if I get really enthused.

After Day One I weighed 116.8 kg and had a body fat % of 38.something, according to the scales I have.

It is now middle of day four and I've hit the wall.

I've lost a few kilos (almost 3), but that is mostly because I've depleted my Glycogen store, and glycogen binds up 3 - 4 times it's weight in water. I should hopefully feel a bit better once my body starts to rely on fat as a fuel source in earnest. There's no way I can keep this up for 6 weeks, let alone 12, if this doesn't improve.

Fun fact for the day: Your vagina can manufacture glycogen. Well, mine can't obviously. I have to rely on my liver, muscles and brain. Shiftless slackers...

I'm beginning to think that my plan to increase the amount of exercise I do isn't going to happen. Your body holds 2000kcal worth of glycogen according to wikipedia, or about 500g of carbs. At my current intake of ~70g a day, no more glycogen for me.
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