Emitremmus Desrever Dednetxe

Nov 01, 2011 22:58

Every year, Stevenage and North Hertfordshire CTC organises a 100km ride on the last Sunday in October. I've ridden it for the last several years, but this year I wanted a 200k in October, so rather than getting the train to and from Stevenage, I rode there and back instead. This worked pretty well, especially since the steady southwesterly meant I had a tailwind for the homeward 50k. Usually on Emitremmus, I'd have lunch at Mocha's cafe in Saffron Walden, but the queue there was long and slow-moving enough that I decided to press on to Therfield where the W.I. were serving tea, cake and sandwiches. That worked much better.

As usual, the organisation was amazingly efficient. With over 300 riders, it really had to be.

The weekend after next, it's off to Norwich for the first of the Norfolk Nips.
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