Sep 05, 2007 22:58
once i read a fic about qaf and there was somethng that when i read i used it in the end of my all writing: "forever my avalone"
its about aplace that u finde peace and serenety and my notebook is my Sanctuary its something that i can cut myself from world from family.
i love them but sometime i cant stand their argument between my mom and my brother he is just like my old man that died 6 years ago and it bothers me.
u know when some one died i cant remember good things about them just the bad or recent memory death cant totally hit me when i dont see the dead person myself.anyway i hate my dad but every person loved him even my cousin they were crying in his funeral and i was comforting them!!!but i didnt cry even i was happy. when i was a child i couldnt sleep but after his death i slept like a dead person .he always was fighting with my mom and he was an addict i dont know to what but i guess it was heroin and he quite a few time i never forget the tears that was running from my brothers eye when he asked my father to stop it but my pethetic dad said :i cant i cant.and it influence all my life all my imagination i couldnt stand seeing him talking him but one morning when we woke up he was dead ,heart attack.and thats funny because i was the first person that saw him but i didnt feel anything and went to school and when i herad about that i was all smiling!!
and the wort part is after his death everyone was talking about what a nice person he was kind loveley funny and these kind of things that i hate most.
i hade ten notebook but after his death i burnt all of them and start another without date and then last year i find livejournal i thinkk it encourge me to write my feeling in english not persian
when iam angry i just cant write farsi because i thnk english words are stronger.well thats it i was just thinking about peace that these thing came to my minde so later