Aug 02, 2008 14:53
I live at the T intersection of two very presidential streets. I'm in Santa Cruz to stay until Thanksgiving, and right now, that feels like an interminable period of time. I'm not looking forward to going home already, I'm just having trouble finding productive things to do with my time. I promised myself that I'd look around here for a job immediately, but I'm just not ready to do that until I've had my first day back at the McHenry Library, y'know? I don't want to start filling up my time with stress just yet, thanks much.
Independence is an incredibly freeing yet entirely weird feeling. Where are the rules?! I CAN'T FUNCTION WITHOUT ORDER. I s'pose I'll just have to create order for myself, then. Ugh.
I think right now all my problems will end (i.e. feeling cheap/poor, extreme boredom/laziness, having little to do) as soon as I get a second job.
I'll definitely make some serious headway this week, with all that spare time I'll have, but today is just not that day.
I don't even have internet at my place yet. Right now, I'm in the Santa Cruz City and County (Amazingly powerful, yet incredibly small) Public Library. I got my library card yesterday, and I tell you I feel the power coursing through my thirsty veins.
Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.