Title: Crashed 5/?
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Genre: Brian/Justin
beta: me
Summary: AU after the bombing in 510
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine and I have no right to steal them, so I'm borrowing them. Crashed is by Daughtry and I think it's the perfect Bristin song - any youtube video making people out there, PLEASE make a Bristin vid to Crashed
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Comments 25
"You cannot fucking die on me when you still have to kick my ass for not telling you that I love you sooner. You got that? So enough with the queened out flat-lining heart stopping bullshit, okay? I get the fuckin' point here, Justin. You knew it all along. You were right and I was wrong and I deserve to be punished. I get it. But the only one able to administer the punishment is you, so you're just gonna have to suck it up, quit the dying, and let them fix you. Got it?"
That was perfect. Beautiful and beautifully Brian.
You've also given me hope both that Justin will survive and that he and Brian will be together. I enjoyed reading this.
I like this story, and I'm so happy you update so quickly.
absolutely loving it. can't wait till the 6th chapter.
soon, n'est pas?
i am so glad brian finally told justin he loved him. and i loved michael letting brian have it.
i think brian is right. justin heard him and will stick arounf just to make brian say it again.
at least i hope so.
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