Porn for Your Perusal

Jul 10, 2007 21:34

This story struck me the other night when I was skimming my flist and happened upon xie_xie_xie’s Justin post in qaf_coffeeclub. Sorry I didn’t comment when I saw it, sometimes I need to contemplate these things.

She said and I quote: Oh Strong!Canon!Justin. How I love thee.

And I say “Amen Sister”

This story is inspired by that premise and then I added porn, because, she is kinda known for that too.

I would not be able to write without dreambee She spares your eyes from horrible grammatical offences and makes me write better even when I am being a sloth. There is no adulation too great.

Believe it or not I am writing a completely different story and every time I touch it I produce porn. It’s magic or something!!!!

This story is a hug for happier_bunny because I want to.

All porny thoughts inspired by this story should be sent to teary_eyed2 and I want Jennifer Rush to immediately record “The Power of Porn”. That is all.

Now on with our show…. Actually you’ll need to read the story to know why that’s a pun, but nonetheless ….

His Private Babylon


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