Title: Five Things Brian and Justin Found Out - Part V: B/J, Surprises, and "Stranger Things"
Timeline: S4 (Don't think too hard about exactly when, 'cause events probably wouldn't line up right)
Rating: R?
Warnings: Last one! And the end's a bit weird. But nothing to be afraid of, lol.
Summary: 5th and FINAL of five ficlets that each deal with
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Comments 16
Want to send me the G/R story in my e-mail? I'm too lazy to go find it.
lol, G/R coming your way!
It was so weird. I don't know why I kind of randomly threw the cancer in there, but then it just kind of stuck! lol
Another thing though, I am with Brian in this wedding craze thing. I do not understand the obsession with marriage and all the stash surrounding it. It is just too shallow with too much emphasize on an overlodad of symbols and rituals.
You and Brian (although we know he changes his mind, hehe) are probably right. The longest lasting Hollywood couples seem to be the ones who skipped the wedding... Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn... Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.
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