Author : May and Stacy (crazy4qaf & my_alexander)
Disclaimer: All characters and situations from Queer as Folk are properties of Russell T. Davies, Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, Showtime, and others. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: R for language/NC-17
Timeline: Future (post 513)
Summary: Five and a half years ago, things in his life were completely different. He would just be Brian fucking Kinney, the asshole. Brian fucking Kinney, the heartless shit. Or Brian fucking Kinney, a man who bangs his own drum, and while at it, manages to bang every damn man in Pittsburgh.
A/N : To everyone that read this before, I want to say how sorry I am that it was so long from my last update. The problem is, RL was a complete bitch to me and though I have this written from the beginning to end, I simply didn't have the time to edit it all and post. So if you guys like, don`t hesitate to leave some feedback. It would be the coolest thing ever and I plan to post the rest of the story now more regularly (at least once a week). Much love to my good friend
my_alexander, who wrote this with me a while ago and whom I miss like hell. :)
Prologue ;
Chapter One Coming Out Of The Dark - Chapter Two