Making sense of the ending of Darker than Black

Oct 20, 2007 03:30

Alright, so after watching it and having a bit of confusion about the ending, which, surprisingly, I didn't mind... I think I figured out one of the complaints on the ending of Darker than Black

I think that Hei was given Pai's power's due to her own ability to change his molecules and make him a contractor. He was a made contractor and perhaps that gives him to give him the choice, unlike her, to decide and understand what it means to be a contractor. She lived inside him because that was also her power, but not in the sense of literally living inside him so much as living through the powers she gave to him... her own.

This explains not only why he couldn't remember - that she pretty much "electricuted" him and remade him. It is logical in the sense that Hei's misunderstanding and pain of trying to understand his sister, turning himself into a killer, hurt her, changed her, and how do you make someone understand, by giving them the chance to experience what you experience. In Hei's case, he was trying so hard to understand that Pai gave him that possibility. The only way she could do it was to make him a contractor, but due to what she discovered about the Syndicate's real plans, she may have sacrificed herself so that Hei could live through it.

And the scientist said that Hei's electricity makes someone a contractor, but I don't think they realize that Hei is a contractor by choice, which means that the contractors he may end up creating would also be those who may choose. And that is why the end shows that there are new contractors with the same powers as the old, but that the world is now making their own choices about them...

You know, I was totally supporting Misaki and Hei in the beginning. But as the show progressed, I became a total Yin and Hei fan. I think that there had been moments when Hei really thought, "In another life, here is a woman I could have loved." But I don't think in this life he had chosen that she's the one for him. If she was then Amber would have told her about Hei's future, not Yin. Selfishly loving him, Amber still wanted Hei to be happy, more than anything - something that she shared with Yin, not Misaki.

It may have been a possibility, but Misaki wasn't the woman for him.

In fact, I'm a bit of a Misaki/November 11 fan... even if it's impossible.. I somehow felt that there was something there that was aching to expand and explore...

And to be honest, the last lin Hei spoke to Misaki was not confusing to me at all.

“The man called Li no longer exists,” said Hei before he left Misaki behind.

This does not mean Hei is abandoning his human roots! Li is an identity (fake, might I add) that the Syndicate gave to him. This is Hei's way of saying that he no longer is a part of the Syndicate, that they no longer control his fate - who he is, who he will be and how he should live his life. The man who did those things was a creature of the Syndicate, but Hei is now operating on his own will... different thant what Amber had hoped for when she started the journey - for it would be a painful road for him - and different from what the Syndicate was using him to accomplish - the annihilation of Contractors. With Yin, who will guide him so that he may never lose his way, and his own moral compass, which had slowly guided him to make the decision that would change everything, the line in no way indicated that he was rejecting the very decision he made when he said goodbye to the people who changed him and the people he loved - or, in Amber's and Pai's case, loved him.

The scene at the end where Misaki watched who she thought was Li disappear into the sunset shows that it was a possibility between them that ended. They parted ways, each with their own agendas and lives to live, though their goals may not be different the paths they chose to walk has parted.

(Anyone notice that Yin's powers have grown? She no longer is just a spot of water watching, but a true shadow of herself. In a way she has show that she had evolved further than any other doll shown in the series, a testament that she not just a powerful "doll" but that she evolved, like Hei, more than all the others.)

How it went full circle to the first episode was interesting to me... made me wonder if another man like November 11 would show up... not that he'd ever be able to replace November for me *_* (fan-girl squee!)

In the end, I adored this show!

Love: Hei/Yin (25 episodes of building that relationship, did you really expect otherwise?! And when Hei turned to Yin and the freaking last 2 episodes! When Hei caught Yin and when Yin grabbed his hand and held on later... damnit! This relationship is manga supported, btw), Misaki/November 11 (Two really cool people who greatly changed each other's perspectives. Misaki, with her great sense of justice, proved to November 11 that there are humans he could trust and November 11 proved to Misaki that Contractors may have morale backbones after all. November gave Misaki a better understanding of Contractors in general. They are also both sexy and confident, sure of their own goals in life and unwavering when it comes to obtaining it. Even though this can never happen, there was definitely chemistry on that screen whenever they shared a scene! ;_; I am sad that it can't happen, but I have fanfic to expand on my favorite scenes! CHIYA!!), Amber (who I realized when she showed in the end that she had completely turned her own time backwards from the event in South America! How cool is that?! When I saw her meet Hei and Yin at Sensoji Temple, my initial suspicion at her total mismatch from Hei's memory of her older self finally clicked together!), Mao (who gave the saddest goodbye speech, right after November 11's suave exit into the after-life, when he said to look for a cat like him if Yin and Hei made it through the carnage), Kiko (who is a true fangirl, through and through, what with her commenting that Hei had a nice ass - thank you sister! - and, on seeing Hei and Misaki together, literally exclaimed: "Don't tell me you're into old women!" Hahahahaha! The way Misaki dropped her bag! And seriously, not older, but old! Hahaha!), Havoc (I totally cried when she died!) and so many other amazing characters! Most of the contractors and their powers were freaking awesome (some filled with irony and some just freakish - like the basketball wielding kid who creates blackholes through them...)!!! Best part of the show was having them realize that despite their logic, they can find themselves facing emotions, that Contractors was a title given to them by "humans" but that title may not actually define them...
Hate: That it's over! ;__;

If you have not seen this anime, you should totally check it out! I give it five Mao paws out of six!

- blue (who is off to scheme Darker than Black fanfic ideas)

analysis, review, darker than black

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