Oct 28, 2008 09:08
So I talked to a mortgage guy yesterday. We qualify (pending some actual documents) for a nice pre-approval. A pre-approval that would give us a decent range of options in this area if we can find a house we like.
Find a house.
We are going to actually and seriously look for a house over the Thanksgiving holiday timeframe. Thats in about a month. We would hope to buy sometime in Jan.
Find a house.
Holy shit, with the help of an FHA loan, it might actually be possible for us to buy a house. Three years after getting married we are in a position to at very least LOOK at houses with an intent to buy.
I remember living in a tiny room in an apartment with Scott and my, now on non-speaking terms, brother-in-law. A tiny room. And stressing about making rent.
If we don't find anything we like over Thanksgiving, no biggie. We will still have everything and can continue to look. I just find it exciting that it looks like we can really do this.