Mini-Meet, Saturday 1st November, My Place?

Oct 27, 2008 12:00

While the parentals are away the dolls will... uh... come out and take over the living area?

I know this is extremely short notice but tisha_san is free to come over to my place around 2.00pm on Saturday for a spot of dollie fun, so I was just wondering if anyone else would like to come along as well?

I'd say it could be Halloween-themed, but as most of the members of my coven live in all black anyway I'd almost say I had an unfair advantage! (A Halloween costume to my lot, I suspect, would be being made to wear anything *other* than black!)

I live in Queenstown, which is basically Port Adelaide...

Again, I know it's short notice and I'll completely understand if everyone's busy, but... the offer is there and the front door will be open!
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