I have been thinking a lot latley, and with all the shit that has been going on with me and my life, i had to rethink this part of entry that i made a while ago. i really think that this sucks ASS and that I hate to have to admit it... but maybe one day you will all understand and until then i you will all accept it for what it is and nothing more... and more importantly... nothing less...
"My mind has touch the farthest horizons or mortal imagination and reaches ever outward to embrace infinity. There is no knowledge beyond my comprehension, no art or skill upon this entire planet that lies beyond the mastery of my hand.... But as long as I live, no woman will ever look on me in love."
And so you know... i don't have any way to get a hold of me right now... no phone, no internet... no nothing... so if you need me email me at
bjdash007@hotmail.com and i will get the message after a few days. I don't get to check it often, only occasionally... if its a real emergency... try just coming to my house and seeing if i am there... i will do what i can do... i also am babysitting so if i am not home... try screaming really loud outside my house and if i hear you will come and see you...
and now... i am off to see the wizard... the womderful wizard of pierogie...
Until the next time we meet...