Introduction to BJD_WTF

Oct 23, 2006 15:54

Oct 2006
This journal is a collection of everything I can think of about BJDs. It will probably never be completely "done", but I intend to keep updating it as often as possible. It covers many topics related to BJDs, but I could never imagine every possible use for them, nor every related topic. I will do my best however, to cover as much as possible. I try to give the most current and useful information that I have access to. If you see something that I have missed, a link that doesn't work or info that is incorrect, feel free to comment here. I do this freely as a service to all BJD owners or want-to-be owners and their friends and family. Feel free to pass the link around or show your loved ones so they can understand your hobby; but *please* do not copy any photos or text because I have spent many hours compiling all of this information and taken time away from my hobby and my family to do so. As always, any photos I didn't take are clearly marked with their origin. If your photo is here without permission, comment here! Or if you would like to, feel free to donate some photos to the cause! Please do enjoy and I hope you learn something new!

May 2016
      I wrote the original BJD WTF in 2006. It started off as notes that I took for  myself as I grew more and more interested in buying a BJD. I wanted to know everything about them. Unfortunately, at the time, there were not a lot of English resources; and the ones that we did have, the information was spread out and hard to find.  Tutorials and sometimes even doll sites had to be translated because there were just no English versions.  When I realized this, I put the BJD_WTF on Livejournal for everyone to use freely.   (It has since been translated in  to several different languages by users who found it helpful.)

I continued to update little pieces over the years: a photo here, a tutorial there. I spent weeks collecting all of the information for the first version. Although it was never fully completed, it was still one of the largest English resource for  several years. Over the last decade, I have answered thousands of  questions about dolls on the BJD WTF  and my private message on LJ. I tried to keep updating with new items as often as my real life allowed. The sheer number of positive emails and grateful comments that I have gotten is what keeps me updating...People are still using it! But after all this time, companies have closed, links have gone dead and styles have even changed a bit. Instead of trying to keep up with an outdated Livejournal, I decided to completely rewrite the BJD WTF.  As great as LJ is for blogs, it just wasn't a great format for the amount of information. So here were are: BJD WTF    V.2

     This new version contains everything that the old version had in a much easier to navigate style. It also has much more, like  new tutorials including navigating doll sites and a click by click tutorial on how to buy a doll, an easier to read Basic Care Guide and an expanded section on how to make your own BJDs. I've also completely redone the Shop page with new links and all of our old favorites.  I hope you enjoy and that you learn something new about ball joint dolls.

Here is Version 2:


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