Parkinson's Update Feb 2018

Feb 08, 2018 11:03

All my doctor appointments seem to be coming up at the same time.

My neurologist, Dr. Mulpur, watched me walk and was satisfied. He had me do some other little exercises, like tapping my leg with one hand and holding the other still, and closing my eyes while standing. I was able to do these easily.

I told him about my dental problems, since "dry mouth" is often associated with Parkinson's.

I told him I have persistent tremor but only on the left, and I can stop it. I can still play bass without too much trouble.

He asked me if he had suggested DBS to me. (Actually, I asked HIM about it some time ago). It's available in Birmingham.

DBS is the procedure where they drill a hole in the head and insert electrodes, to reduce tremor.

I asked if this would need to be done soon, or can it be done any time in the future. He said this is not a "golden opportunity" and it can be done whenever needed.

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parkinson's, health

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