Burbank….We have a problem. I leave the lovely United States, that what used to be the comforts of my own office (until that thing moved in) to fly all the way out here. I leave behind one tremendous pain in the ass to be with another. Instead of a pile of tobacco chewing female shit, I now have sitting right across from me a glutteness old fat Hispanic pain in my weight loosing ass.
Nobody really knows what his job is, I don’t think he knows what his job is but……he’s there. From what I heard, is sole mission lately here has been to eat, eat, eat, pass work on to whoever is on his shift (me), eat, bitch about being hungry and well you know what the last thing is. EAT. The first day I met him he asked me why the fridge wasn’t working and if the captain was coming back so we can take his fridge. Why is it that I have this special knack for meeting the most “interesting people” So far this man has spoken out of his ass saying the most insane shit to me. Nothing perverted, I’m used to hearing stuff like that back home, but he try’s to act like he’s Lord of the dessert and knows everything even though we’ve known for weeks now. He try’s to tell me what to do and everybody tells me to just laugh at him. He wants me to help him clean up the mess in our trailer, but the mess is mostly from his fat ass crumbs all over the place……………………..whoooo saaaaaaahhh!!!! I should really learn to calm down.
Well at least I don’t say this to them out loud. I think I’ve been on the edge lately because I haven’t had a bottle of wine in the last two weeks now.
Well I just wanted to share another interesting adventure with my peeps before I forget. I know I have ways to go out here so; I’m not going to remember every interesting story so mine as well tell you as it goes along.
Pass along to the other gansters I roll with.