Feb 28, 2012 12:18
The lesson? Roll with it. Let go. Accept that life’s plans for you are often going to be different than the ones you had for yourself. And that’s ok.
- Emma, Barre Body
I have been trying to find ways to resume my 'regime', and I know - the only one that is pushing myself and feeling self-conscious about it is me. And it's increasingly frustrating - because I am pushing myself, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm just being lazy. I am actually being forced, in many ways, to not go.
Somehow mysteriously - a giant bruise emerged on the top of my right foot. I don't know how I did it - I spent a good few weeks staring at it, wondering how I got it and how I managed to hurt myself without registering. In that process - crazy February happened so I threw my regime out the window, because it just wasn't happening. And I got exhausted. And then I got sick.
I've spent the last few weekends sleeping. And napping.
And now, this week, my left foot has decided to give way. (I should be thankful that they both decided not to give way at the same time) I'm barely able to put much weight on it, and it's quite painful. Add to that the fact that I also decided to wrench some skin off the top of one toe when I stubbed it.
So. That throws out yoga again for another week.
Well. I'm expending a lot of energy talking myself into not going. Part of me is hoping that my foot will miraclously heal itself in time for the weekend.
(and yes - given that I've had similiar if not same injuries for both feet (not quite a large bruise on my left, but there is a faint one) - I probably should go see someone about this....)
But now I come to the essence of the quote above. I think I have to let go. And accept that life, right now, just wants me relaxing. Physically, if not also mentally.
But so many things to do!
And try!