May 07, 2007 04:10
As far as I can tell, this time of year is the absolute worst part of being in college. What always happens to me at the end of the semester is that I (1) realize I have a ton of things to do (2) get panicky and work really, really hard and get a lot done (3) feel really accomplished about getting a lot done (4) realize that although I got a lot of work done, I still have a little bit left (5) have absolutely no motivation left and end up half-assing my last few assignments (6) get fed up and take a final or two without studying at all. I'm currently on step 5. It's great. Notice that it's 4 am, and that I set out at 3 pm--yes, that's right, 13 hours ago--to write two measly papers. I am on page 5 of one paper. And that's all. What in God's name did I do for the other roughly 11.5 hours?!?! Things like this make me a little worried to enter the working world. If I end up in a job where I'm relatively unregulated, I'm paranoid that I won't push myself to actually do my job. Or, worse, that I'll hate my job so much that every single project I work on is as painful to complete as these last few projects of the semester.
In nine days, I will be on an airplane flying over the ocean. And I will be reading a book for fun.
I refuse to believe that this is the time of my life that is the most carefree and least responsibility-laden. If this were true, then this would mean the rest of my life is going to suck.
Ugh. I'm going to bed.