Hello friends of
It's been a while since we posted over here, and in that time we have had a lot of new people friend this journal, so I just wanted to post a little update.
1. There is a new challenge currently underway over at
BJ Action on IJ. The theme is
Choose Your Own Adventure and fics are due by Wednesday at 9pm EST. It's never too late to sign up if anyone is interested.
2. It's too difficult for us to keep up with friending on this journal, since both Bunny and I are primarily on IJ, but don't worry, none of our posts are locked here, so if you friend us you will see everything we post.
3. The posts for the current theme will not be cross-posted over here, but I do promise to stop by with a master links post on wednesday night after they are all posted.
4. Remember, you don't have to have an IJ to participate in action challenges, to read the submissions or to leave comments on them. And if you'd like here is a link to the
RSS Feed for BJ Action at IJ you just click on this link and friend it like you would any other journal on live journal.
It's great to see so many new people embracing teh porn love. :D
~Ny (