Apr 22, 2004 20:32
I love my pergola again :) It constantly gets grubby with dead leaves, dirt from the dogs, and kid's toys. Today I spent 3 solid hours out there. I rearranged it all, and also finally scrubbed out my Gran's fridge that we inherited when she moved out of her house.
My god that was a shocking job. Poor Britt was gagging from the smell everytime she walked past it. Seems it had not been cleaned out in ages, and then it sat under our carport for months. Not pretty. At least I earned some bonus points for the sweat I worked up!
Speaking of which...my exercise has been non existent, but I am quite focussed on the eating side of things. I really feel like something may be possible this time around. Gee I hope so.
Weigh in is Sunday morning. WIsh me luck!