Jan 31, 2007 15:45
Today I have lots to do....
As Jeffner says it's like the 4th goodbye dinner..... even if I wanted to do something else.... I don't think I have the option..... Dad and his traditions.... Although Dad and I do go out to dinner about as much as we have with Jen.... maybe she doesn't realize this.... but it's true.... Actually it will be nice because I just realized I'll be seeing dad maybe 4-5 times in the next month.... and then even less in March as he travels the Grand Courts of the West Coast....not sure if I'll be living at Dad's or my place.... gotta remember to feed the cats.... Sigh....
That just makes my life seem much busier... yet here I am at work... doing things I shouldn't...
ARGH! I just realized I'm going to need to feed the cats on Saturday... and Maybe Sunday too.....
Course we all know that if Patches were to ever die... I'd be bawling my eyes out...
Hopefully that won't happen in the next few years.... too much death recently....