Headaches and Rat trains...

Aug 02, 2006 22:48

So I have a gigantic migraine...thats not unusual for me but it makes my crappy mood even more crappy. I'm sorry I'm a crappy person! New kennels fitted at work today, its about time but they do look smart.
Trying to organise a rat train to get some rescue ratties to me, proving to be a little bit awkward, I wish I could drive....hmmmm, talking of which I only have till March to pass my driving test.

Where did the summer go?! Been lashing it down here for 2 days just about solid, I mean I don't mind the rain but the sun could visit for a bit longer.

The healthy eatings going ok, I resisted the infamous 'breakfast sarnie' at work today, YAY for me!! And I'm managing to drink lots of water and I dont really like water.

Today I loved work being dead quiet, I've done nowt.
Today I hated the loooooong bus ride home.
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