Dec 17, 2004 00:16
Okay SO i havnt updated in ALONG time but yeah not much as been going on so there hasnt been much to update about.
well lets see, i'll make a quick outline for myself...
A. Nutcracker
B. More Donny
C. Tim
D. School
E. Other
so yes
A). Last night was the Nutcracker. It was pretty fun, i do have to admit though that for being one of the best ballet companies i wasnt that impressed. I have actually seen better from Janet's (this girl i knew in HS) ballet company. But it was pretty and it reminded me of how much i used to want to be a ballarina. And how when i was 5 I used to put on my mom's velvet dress (it was one of those shirt dresses) and dance around our kitchen to the nutcracker and come up w/ my own dances. It's moments like that that i hate that my parents never took pictures or anything, i mean i remember it but for how much longer. When act 2 started was when i really started to remenice and almost shed a tear for my young childhood dreams of being the Sugar Plum princess. But yeah so that was the ballet. I went with Rich and his husband, Louie and their friends Arnella and Denny, Dave, Darrel, Brian, Suzy and... DONNY!!!!! So yeah we all met at the theater and I got to sit next to Donny becasue well, i gave the tickets out, he he he!!! Too sneaky, haha i'm sure he figured i did it on purpose.
A/B). So i was sitting next to Donny and before the ballet even started we were talking about stuff. Like he had told me earlier that day that he might have to duck out after the ballet to go to his roommates farewell thing cause she's going back to Germany for a month. WHICH made me think back to what brian had told me a couple months ago about how he met donny on the train and donny was talking about this girl who he liked and she liked him but she was moving back to berlin and since he was joining the army they would prolly never see eachtoehr again , so i mean i just assumed that it was his girlfriend that he just broke up with that he was talking about. But now i think it might be his roommate that he has the crush on. And i was going to ask him how he met her but then i didnt. So i'm going to have brian do some investigating for me. So then the ballet started and blah blah blah, then during intermission he disappeared for awhile and came back w/ waters for everyone, which was nice. Then i was telling him about how we're thinking about going to the Opera in January and his eyes lit up so i was like, do you want to come w/ us? And he was like yeah it would be fun. And i told him that we would get some culture into him before he left and then he said something about how "it can be a culture date" which i dont know how i should take that, any ideas???" Oh he also told me that i was wearing a fancy shirt and he liked it, which was when i SHOULD have told him that he looked really good because DAMN he did, mmmmm (i got a pic dont worry! haa) Then during the second act he started whispering stuff in my ear about the ballet. His leg kept hitting mine but i wasnt sure if it was by accident becasue the seats were small or on purpose, so since no one was sitting next to me i just moved my legs over. Then the ballet was over and we were all talking about it, cause this was his first ballet. And then we started talking about Jazz and Blues and he told me he loves blues and i was like OMG i love you even more now! hahah so i'm thinking about inviting him to the green mill one of these nights. SINCE his roommate that he has a crush on will be out of the country AND he told me he's quiting his other job so he'll have more free time to do stuff, so a cpl ppl are telling me that it's a chance to go for it. So yeah then we're hanging in the lobby waiting for Suzy and he's like well i have to go so we take the picture quick and he says his goodbyes to everyone then he comes over and gives me one of those side hugs, you know the kind where they come up and grap your side and pull you close. And iw as like are you working this weekend and he said that he's actually going out of town tomorrow (actually that's tonight now) and wont be back till next monday. So i told him that i was leaving on sunday and i was like here i'll give you your christmas hug now and he was like okay so i gave him a big hug and wished him Merry Christmas. And then he left. He's sooooo hard to read though. Cause one moment we're flirting and the next we're just friends again. I dont know i really dont. Like i went into work the day before because we were having our girls christmas party and i saw Sherita at the host stand when i was on my way to lord and taylors so i went over to make sure she was still coming and then i rememberd that he was working and i had to call him to remind him that the ballet was the next day. So i figured instead of calling i would just tell him there so he comes around the corner and notices me and lites up and is like HEY! and i was like Hey i just wanted to remind you that the ballet is tom. and he was like yeah, and he was like okay i'll remember that i have to be somewhere at 630 and then i'll call you. Then i was talking to brian about something and he came by and was like i really like your scarf, it's cute. So i just said thanks and he smiled. And then he cut through the host stand a cpl times when i was talking to sherita, which was a longer way to his tables but he would always smile when he went by. I dont knwo he's so weird. Oh well i shouldnt become attached anyways, he's leaving in a cpl months and that will just suck.
Oh i have another story, so last sunday it was all screwed up at work. I was scheduled at 12 but erin told me to come in at 11 so i did. And then donny wasnt scheduled at all but chris told him to come in at 1 so he did. But when i came in my name wasnt on the floormap and his was, eventhough i was the scheduled one. So since i was in first they gave me his section. So when he came in i told him that story and he was like that's weird why would they do that. and i was like "well i think the host has a crush on you" (which was a guy at the moment) and he just looked at me and smiled and was like "well you know, it's good to have a crush in your life" and then later that night i was reminding him about the ballet and i was like do you want me to call and remind you about it adn he was like "yeh do you still have my number" and i told him that "i think i might have lost it so i should get it again (hahha playing it like i wasnt THAT into him)" and then he was like "well let me have yours too." so i started to give it to him and he was like "wait i need to put it somewhere where i wont throw it away" so i gave it to him and he was like "sweet". so yeha i dont know. who knows if he'll ever call it again. I'm thinking about TMing his cell on xmas (well along w/ all my other friends) wishing him a merry christmas. Just cause by that time we wouldnt have seen eachother for a little over a week, i have to keep me in his mind, hahha.
okay enough about donny, geesh that was like 3 pages just on him.
off to letter C). TIM- hmm, well nothing really. So i emailed him about a week ago telling him i was sorry that i hadnt called or anything and that i had been really busy, which is true. but then i also told him that i'm really busy and had alot of personal stuff to deal with (i.e. school, breaking up w/ zdenko, holidays) and i just wanted to be friends but he wanted more and i cant give that to him right now. So i basically told him in a nice way that i didnt want to see him anymore. And then he emailed me back a couple days later saying that he really liked me and that it sucked that i had all the personal burdens adn that sometimes the only way to get over an ex is by seeing someone else so if i ever wanted to give it a chance to call him. So yeah i didnt email him back at all and i hate that i had to ditch him like that but he just wasnt getting the hint htat i didnt like him like that and if we couldnt be friends w/o him asking me all the time if more will come about then i dont want to see him.
Speaking of Zdenko for a moment, today someone felt like toturing me ALOT! So i get on the elevator to go to school and it smells like Zdenko. Then i get on the bus and someon else smells like him. then i get to school and on my way down from getting my lights the elevator repair man that was getting off smelled like him. Then i get on the bus to go to work tonight and someone else smells like him. Then i get to work and i'm waiting to go up stairs and all of a sudden i smell it again. i was like GOOD GREIF I GET THE PICTURE, WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME LIKE THIS! So yeah someone up stairs was fucking w/ my emotions real bad today.
Okay whats next?
D). School, um, well we just had midterms and now finals are coming up. Wed was my last day of class for the holiday break and i'm stressing becasue i have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to do over break its' not even funny! i just want to cry when i think about all the shit i have to do. and then i come home and see my apt and want to cry more because it's a DISASTER!!!!!!
E). Other stuff.
nothing really. We had our girls xmas party on tues and it was sort of fun. We have this crazy girl at work though that none of us really like and she was at the party and she got HAMMERED. Like she was drunk when i got there and i was only a half hr late. So basically she started pulling all this shit that made alot of ppl mad and then she got in this HUGE fight w/ Patti (who is a bitch anyways) so yeah it was just a big disaster. The girl needs to stop drinking because aparently sat night she went out w/ a cpl ppl and started calling this kid we work with all these names. Which wasnt a good idea because him and his girlfriend were the only ones that liked her and well now not so much, so she's burning ALOT of bridges before they're even built.
um, yeah well that's all for now i'm really really tired and i have to work in the morning.
So yeah i prolly wont update again till xmas. I'm going home for a week and so i think i'll be too busy w/ stuff to update.
So happy early CHRISTMAS.