Oct 24, 2004 22:01

Dear D,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Sunday, October 24:

If you're up for a rebound romance, there's someone swinging your way fresh from a difficult relationship. You might not want to invest too much in it, but it could be fun.

So yeah last night i had a date w/ tim. It was good. He's really nice and funny. We both have the same sence of humor. and he's really a gentalman, it was nice. He's very thin though. like he went to hug me and there was nothing to hug. I dont know though it was a great time and i liked being w/ him but i didnt have that same feeling i had whenever i hung out with Zdenko, or when i knew i was about to see taylor or the feeling i have right now about seeing Neil. I mean if anything i think we'll stay friends out of this whole thing, it would be a shame if we didnt become at least friends. It's really weird too cause his best friend collen is in this show that donna does. some how we got on the topic of voice overs and it just came up.
We like alot of the same things, like Napolean Dynomite and Team america are two great movies that we both just saw and loved. And he loved Shrek 2. um, he likes alot of bands that i like and we figured out that we've been to a cpl of the same shows and didnt even know it. We were both able to remenise about restaurants we miss that are just down south like braums and sonic.
we also have a cpl inside jokes already. Matthew, the kid that lives in my building is a BIGGGG one. Some how i mentioned him to tim and all the creepy stuff he does and so we just laught at that. OH and get this so i was waiting for the bus last night and i heard someone call my name, i immediately thought, OH SHIT! i look up and there is matthew across the street and he's waiving so i waived at him and he was like "YOU GO GIRL" i was so creeped out. When i met up w/ tim i was immediately like "GUESS WHO I JUST SAW" and he was like "OH MAN DONT TELL ME!" it was great.
Oh it was also weird. we were talking and he said something something "oh appleton!". like he called me appleton and since i hear it so much at work it didnt phase me and then i stopped and i looked at him adn was like "did you just call me appleton!" and he was like uh yeah is that bad? and i was like no it's just what everyone at work calls me. it's just weird cause no one's ever called me that before i started working there. I do like the nick name though.
So yeah we had a good time but like i said i just dont have that feeling of i dotn know, that feeling.
Heather told me to just wait it out. I dont know, we'll see. Like i said it would be a BIG shame if we didnt at least become friends out of the whole thing.
So far from what i have told ppl at work they like him.
Oh he also called me while i was workign to tell me that he had a great time last night and that he hopes i did as well. And he hoped that i was having a good time working at the great ol pizza kitchen. It was sweet. Something Zdenko never did.
I wish i could stop thinking of zdenko i really wish i could. I've tried and it's so increadibly hard. Tonight at work one of my tables was talking about blue man group. They were talking about some shower of some sort and how the couple or whatever met at blue man or something so they had to have that music play or their frist date was there or something along those lines, i was trying to listen but not really. I told richard about that and he was like "i would be like, um, can you guys shut up about the blue man group? Thanks" i was like aww richard. I mean i realize more and more of how we didnt really have a great relationship but for some reason i would give anything just to talk to him again. UGH! i hate how you cant control who you like. My brain is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. HEART LISTEN TO THE BRAIN!!!!!
if only i could have a combo of zdenko and tim. that would be great.
okay well i should get back to cleaning my room. i just wanted to update about my date before i forgot.
Man this week is gonna be CRAZY busy but so much fun, i cant wait.
I so cant wait for Erin to come down, i havnt seen that girl in forever, or talked to her for that matter.
And then manda and catch on sat will be a hoot and a half.
aw man and then like all my friends together on sunday w/ the excitment of a great hot band and their hot cute nice tour manager.
But yeah okay i need to clean.
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