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My articles to date...
Jun 26, 2008 01:16
This is mostly for me so if I lose my hard copies somewhere, I won't have to go looking through archives. However, if you enjoy reading about NH sports and about people you probably don't know about... have at it! :)
Twin State Games
NEFL Hawks
Charge with Undefeated Season
Phelps' Impact on Seacoast
Wentworth Tennis
Portsmouth Rod Walker
Portsmouth Elite Basketball Over-30
Portsmouth Attack Basketball JH
Day 2 of NHWGA States--Rainout
Day 1 of NHWGA States
Jim Sheerin
Pan Mass Challenge
Booma Game
11/12 Little League Championship Preview
9/10 Little League Championship Preview
Children's Tennis Book
New England football--Charge
Portsmouth 9/10 vs. Belmont
Portsmouth vs. Somersworth
Seacoast United U-16 Girls Team
Hershey Park Track and Field
Portsmouth Little League All-Star Preview
Jennifer Stebbins Portsmouth Cyclist
New England Women's Golf Championship Day 2
New England Women's Golf Championship Day 1
New England Women's Golf Championship Preview
Darleens vs. Pats Championship Game 2
Cape Elizabeth vs. York Quarterfinals
Darleens vs. Pats Championship Game 1
Traip Academy Baseball Quarterfinals
Stebbins Sport Short
Portsmouth vs. STA Lacrosse Championship Game
Portsmouth Boys Lacrosse Championship Game
newspaper articles
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