I've finally been deemed worthy! Back in the days of hot Britney, when little Lizzie wore New Balances instead of purple argyle Pumas and Starbucks only had a franchise on every other corner, I pissed and moaned about being snubbed by those oh-so-inoffensive Mormon missionaries (see
http://bizzay.livejournal.com/2003/08/07/). Yesterday I was walking home from the gym up Shaw St. and, maybe it was the venti bold in my hand (the latter day Saints frown upon caffeine) or the tight denim or the black leather or the too much eye makeup or the smell of man on me or the fact that life in Toronto leaves me looking a little rough and in need of guidance from on high BUT I was finally approached by Elder Webb and Elder [made up or just funny sounding possibly German name]. We had a nice little dialogue on the sidewalk. Amicable enough. They made a good pitch but I was firm in my heathen sensibilities. It was amazing.
Divine intervention was all it took to get me to post again. Who would've thought?
The mood should also say sore because, good Christ, ow. But that seems to confuse a cat. (Please tell me someone got that Monty Python reference. Anyone?)