Mar 14, 2005 22:30
Though I;d share my fusterating day with ya'll, well actually the begining of my day, for the most part, was pretty good...
I got to take tylenol sleeping aid though, because it will help me not be groggy and nasty when i wake up in the morning, because I guess the qauility of sleep im getting isn't very good. I'll have to pick up some at the drug store, or have my mom do it or something because I dunno if kids can legally by over the counter drugs lol.
So yea till I got home from school everything was fine, in math, mr. mila-dsjkalsgfl (however you spell his name) gave us lollie pops, I just thought of how jaw breakers explode if you chew on them after microwaving them, and they give your chemical bruns all over your face... I'm glade they wern't jaw breakers lol... but yea it was kinda weird, just cause he's usually seem like this tough guy teacher lol, but I think people just take people to seriosuly sometimes, or he really coulda been in a weird mood today... I know I was.
I just kept laughing at everything,a nd it musta sounded liek I was hitting on everyone cause I couldn't stop like talkign to poeple, that i never even friken talk to lol... I'm sorry everyone, if i seemed odd, I PROMISE i wont bug you anymore.
Well when i got home, my mom came home late today and my dad came home normal, but he had to go to karate, so whenm mom came home she asked me if I wanted to go shopping wiht her... i tell you this now,,, I SHOULDA WENT SHOPPING!! lol, cause when i turned my computer on, it was giving me problems and then its just went all down hill from there, so i finally got it to work in safe mode with networking,a nd that what im using right now,a nd just a couple of minutes ago it was int he normal mode, but it crashed when i went to try and check my e-mail. It dosn't matter I geuss though, because when i geta job, and stuff, im just gunna save up to get a brand new nicceee computer, and this one can go fly away. but yea, anyways
when my mom got back from shopping, i had made cinnamon rolls while i was tryign to fix my computer, and i left three there for mom and dad, and me and tammy ate the other few that were there, and i guess I forgot to wrap one up for m mom,aso when she got home there was none, and my dad had aten the 3 i left out, and she was kinda upset because I always forget to save her stuff that I make, and It really made me feel like shit for some reason and so I just got in ... one of those moods, and im just gunna leave at that, because I thought it had all like finally passed, like it was a phase, and then with my new found strengthened faith, i thought I really could move on... apparently no, no I can't... I don't even know what to do, maybe this was the last of it, I mean, it coulda just been nothing, probably was just nothing, it was just freakin cinnamon rolls, I just took it differently, I know my mom grew up in a hosue with alot of kids and they didnt have much money,a nd just she'd expect atleast from her own children that they think about her and how she feels, just as she does for us, cause she didn't grow up getting much attention, and I don't even know how to stand here, I realize all this, and she dosn't even know, so its not like she'll ever know I'm sorry anyways cause I'm too afraid to tell her that i understand and that im sorry, the worst thigns can happened over the least contimplated of things.
Anyways, i havn't spoke to her since, and now its about 11 and I got to go to bed, I'm alreayd off to a bad start with this new "sleeping diet" lol. thats okay, today dosn't count anyways, tommorow does.
oh yea, day 1, the music guy didn't call back, 4 days left! yee haww,im sick of playing phone chase with this dude, I understand he has a busy schedual, and that i'm probably a bit of an inconvenience, but if he wanted he could just tell me her is not longer taking on new students, im gunna be the one paying him, so I deserve the right to keep on calling and bugging him lol.... all I want to do is friggin music theory, its not much god, not much..
lol, well thats all, I'll probably write tommorow, I feel like I owe it tomyslef to make up for the days I havn't write, it might help me remeber things better.