Mar 07, 2007 17:29
In no particular order, things I have done recently:
*Written a review of an academic work for an academic journal with my supervisor.
*Co-authored a theoretical paper on the evolution of music in the brain.
*Put together two experiments for my thesis, and planned a third.
*Played Super Mario World. (At the moment I'm up to Wendy's Castle. Damn you, Wendy.)
*With a band I'm playing keyboards for, recorded a theme song for some TV show. They're also getting other bands to record this theme song, so it may not end up being us you'll hear on TV doing the theme song. But it was fun to be in the studio anyway.
*Turned 25.
*Celebrated turning 25. Thanks to youse livejournal people who came!
*Played on stage with members of Lazy Susan, Bluebottle Kiss, Crow, The Camels, Peabody, 78 Saab, I Love Space, etc.
*Saw Camera Obscura at the Annandale.
*Saw The Prestige, Stranger Than Fiction, and Pan's Labyrinth.
*Made bad jokes.
*Called Jadey a cat. Well, she is.
*Missed Jadey when she's been on the Gold Coast (she's starting a PhD, based up there.)
*Got an iPod.
*Bought CDs and DVDs and books and stuff.
*Had no money (this may be related to the two points above).
*Moved house (well, this was late last year, but I haven't actually mentioned it in this journal yet.)
*Got spoiled rotten by Jadey and her parents when we visited them on the Gold Coast at Christmas (this was also late last year, but my last entry here was early December, so eh.).
*Had picnics down by the river.
*Put in an application to get an extension on my PhD (I think I'll get til early October ot finish it).
In no particular order, things I plan to do in the next couple of months:
*See Wilco supported by Glenn Richards at the Enmore Theatre.
*Read the books I just got in the mail today from Amazon.
*Run the experiments I've got ready to go.
*Write thesis.
*Play some gigs with Sliced Bread.
*Put recorded songs up on the Sliced Bread myspace.
*Go to a conference in Cambridge in England.
*Become a world famous rock star.
*Annoy Jadey by continuing to listen obsessively to "What A Fool Believes" by the Doobie Brothers, over and over again.
At the moment I'm reading Lauren Slater's book "Opening Skinner's Box", listening to the album Blocked Numbers by the Crystal Skulls and having been watching Life Support, which I got the first season of on DVD the other day.
I'll expand of some of these points if you ask nicely.