Jan 25, 2020 07:45
After an absence, I went to the gym, and it looks very much like my hip flexors got a bit shorter. Not working out like I used to, I guess it must not be surprising? I'm going to work on that, though, because it took me AGES to get my hips strong and flexible after years of sitting, and I really don't want to lose it all.
I don't seem to be losing muscle mass, but I have lost mobility. A lot less working out is going to do that, definitely, but I'm somewhat depressed. I worked extremely hard to get my hips in good shape.
Excessive sitting lets your hip muscles shrink, and it screws up your posture pretty bad. To get it back, you have to work every single day to lengthen the muscles and get your posture normal again.
Occupational hazard of software engineering.