Feb 26, 2009 19:51
I think I'm unintentionally starting a tradition of taking a break from LJ during most of the winter. Last winter, I at least managed to keep up with my LJ friends and update my journal once in a while. This winter, not so much. However, with the arrival of spring (um she says after waking up to SNOW this morning), I peep my head out of my hermit-hole and rise to meet the sun. Or something like that.
December: Snow. Lots and lots of snow. Dogsitting Lucile, a wonderful little pup. Christmas with the family got clusterfuct and I was more upset about it than I expected to be. I went down to P-town for New Year's, but it just wasn't the same. However, I did have a lovely drunk with Dani, which is always a good thing! I also may have added fuel to mom's fire to quit smoking as I reminisced over my year of quit-ness.
January: the biggest events were ALA & my birthday. I basically decided to attribute every social event for the two or so weeks surrounding my birthday, to my birthday. So, lets see. I had drinks with peeps at ALA (starting at the taphouse and migrating to a gay evening of karaoke), went to dinner with Tina (that really was on my birthday, which fell on a lame-o Wednesday), and went to the Daddies show (which was really in February). Other highlights from ALA included the amazing dinner at Prima or whatever that place was called and seeing peeps from Nevada. I also officially passed my 1-year quitting anniversary.
February: I truly came out of my wintery shell. February has been a month of music, friends and fun. In addition to the Daddy's show, I also saw The Gourds and Split Lip Rayfield. If you are my friend and you didn't know that Split Lip is my favorite band, well, now you know! I just saw them play the other night. Even after the relatively recent loss of their band member Kirk, they still rock my world. The Daddies also put on a *great* show (for a bunch of old fogies!) and it was *so* fun to see them after all these years! As for the friends, it's been a drinky month too. I went to Alibi Room and Zig Zag for the first time with Amanda, Deb & Jackie. I also made the aquaintence of Cafe Met at an event devised and organized by rwx, suffered a stab of nostalgia at The District with a work-connected group of librarians, and introduced my long-time friend Dani to rwx and brassratgirl at the Observatory in Portland. At Zig-Zag and at the Observatory I had new-to-me Gin drinks that inspired me to start playing with my liquor. I think this spring or summer I'm gonna have to do some delicious infusions, and maybe even have a cocktail party!
Um, is that it? Well, I'm sure I missed a lot of things. Last weekend I went to Salem to visit dad while he's recovering from a successful (yay!) prostate surgery. I know it's a pretty common thing for men to go through, but it's always scary when it's your very own dad. He's doing great, and we had a blast together. Andi helped me finish learning the basics of knitting, so I have a new craft to play with. We all spent a lot of time hanging out together and laughing, with an undercurrent of celebrating life. Cynthia was there too, so I got to reconnect with the adopted sister I hadn't seen in... 8 years? We came across something when we were hanging out downtown that she really liked (a journal with a celtic tree of life carving on the cover) and I bought it (acting like I wanted it for myself, which I kind-of did) then turned around and said "hey sis, happy 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th birthday!". Time flies so fast. The little girl I remember is now a woman and somehow that seems totally natural and perfectly ok.
Happy snowy spring (ok, maybe only the crocuses and daphne bushes think it's spring, but that's good enough for me)!