Dec 24, 2005 01:03
I finally got rid of that 4runner, and got a 92 civic from my dad's friend. So I get it and go to Ultimate Car Toys to buy a new audio system, I tell them I want to redo everything, deck, speakers, and I want to install an amp and subwoofer that Jason gave me. You'd think that'd be enough to warrant maybe somebody to help me, but they ignored me and walked off leaving me alone in the store for 10 minutes before I left. So I go in there again on thursday and they do the exact same shit, except they act really annoyed at me, so me and Steven head to this place called Kar Tunz. The guy immediatly goes to my car, tells me what I need, and says everything installed is 600, way cheaper than the 800 Best Buy told me and probably cheaper than Ultimate Car Toys. And it only took about 15 minutes in the store, to pick everything out based on how I'm going to be using it and stuff. So yea, go there. It's at 3657 Old Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton, CA, 94566.