Oct 23, 2007 17:05
So. Today I had my flu shot... and my arm still hurts. Which sucks. I'm also getting an EKG in the morning. Fun. I also have a database test tomorrow too I think.
The rest of my school week is kind of slack. I have a two hour work class Thursday morning for Word and then Logistics and my school day is done. I have to work 4:30 to 9 that night though. Friday is a day off, there is a conference at school so no classes.
My Veronica Mars shipped on Sunday according to Amazon, but according to the tracking number it hasn't moved.
I'm reading Lullaby. Chuck Palanuik's work is fantastic. I shouldn't actually have time to read. I have three Word case studies due sometime next week. At least I think it's next week. I never seem to know and theres no where to look it up. At least the excel and access are look up able.
I need a haircut very badly. I kind of know what I want. I just don't seem to be able to figure out when to go get it done. I hate it when my hair gets too long. It makes me feel like my neck is disapearing.