Jun 04, 2006 06:36
I went and saw the Breakup with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau. There's a match made in heaven, unfortunately they had very little on screen chemistry. Anyways, it was alright. Kinda funny, kinda made me nostalgic for Chicago. There was some annoying random lady sitting next to me who kept asking "how did they get the cameras into our house" every time there was a domestic squabble. That was annoying. But the previews were fabulous. There was a Clerks 2 trailer, which I didn't even know was being made. Looks kinda funny. And then there was something that deserves it's own paragraph.
Imagine a black screen, then white words appear. In some movies this summer you'll see. Black screen. Unbreakable Codes. Black screen. Superheros. Black screen. Racecars. Black screen. Impossible loves. Black screen. But what you won't find anywhere else. Black screen. Snakes (on the far left side of the screen) on a Plane (added moments later). So bomb. I started lauging right then. The annoying lady to my right started freaking out "That looks so scary." Apparently they had a reshoot just to add a line for Samuel L. Jackson so he could say "I'm sick of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!" That's right! Motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane! I have to go see that movie. This may even be one of those rare occasions where I'd prefer not to go alone.
Oh, just in case my faulty memory and description of the trailer aren't enough, it's being hosted on www.snakesonablog.com right now too. It's awesome.